Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Howl-oween !

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It is also the only time that I condone dressing your Chihuahua like a princess or your Dachshund like a hot dog. For those of you that are itching to put Fifi in a swimsuit at the beach or dye her red white and blue for the 4th of July, please refrain. Instead, take advantage of the one holiday where such ridiculous behavior is acceptable – and encouraged!

Need ideas? Here are a few creative and hilarious doggie dress ups I’ve come across in the past few days. Happy Halloween hound-lovers!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Power of the Puppy

When tragic events happen, no amount consoling, flowers, and “with sympathy” cards can truly mend the damage. Sometimes the only thing that can begin to remedy the pain is a little puppy love.

My teammate and good friend Colleen has had an unbelievably difficult month. When I say unbelievably difficult, I mean, the grief counselor burst into tears upon hearing her story. Just when it seemed like life couldn’t throw anything else at her, she received bad news yet again.

She was surrounded by loving friends and family, always there with a shoulder to cry on. Even with all this support, we knew that it wasn’t enough. She needed something more, something to begin to fill an empty place in her heart.

After not-so-subtly suggesting it to her Mom, Colleen brought home Bailey, the Lhasapoo (mix of a Lhasa Apso and a Poodle).

Eager to show off her new friend, I helped Colleen sneak Bailey into the dorms. We could barely contain our smiles when we walked past the front desk into the elevators with the puppy in my purse. As the clumsy, white ball of fluff scampered up and down the hallway, pouncing on whatever she could find, I looked at Colleen. For the first time in weeks, I saw warmth behind my friend’s smile.

While Bailey cannot replace the losses in Colleen’s life, that little puppy represents rebirth and the beginning of the rebuilding process. A little white ball of energy and adorable-ness is going to help her cope and grow stronger. I will forever believe in the power of the puppy.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mutt of Honor

I went to a wedding last weekend in northern Maine. It was a beautiful ceremony outside a cabin on Nickerson Lake. The event was complete with tearful parents, a beautiful bride, a tardy groom, a comical best man speech, and an adorable 6-year old ring bearer. What made this matrimony different and – in my opinion – even more magical was the inclusion of one special someone: Piper, the Yorkshire terrier (pictured).

Piper belonged to the bride and groom and oversaw the entire set-up the day before. She mingled among party supply delivery men and barked orders at the decorators from underneath white tablecloths. On the big day, she wore a stunning bridal gown (was it Oscar de la Renta or Versace?). She wasn’t a fan of the veil, though, going into total freeze mode while it was on her head. (Isn’t it weird how dogs do that? When my parents put a Christmas sweater on our cocker spaniel all her muscles tightened up and she growled until the holiday straight jacket was removed).

Piper socialized with the guests before the ceremony, a very hospitable hostess. When the couple was finally saying their vows at the altar, little Piper walked up to the altar and sat on the bride’s train. The two people looked down lovingly at their little pooch and the moment couldn’t have been more perfect. Everyone in attendance just melted watching the three of them promising to spend the rest of their lives together. As the bride and groom walked back up the aisle as husband and wife with the rest of the wedding party, Piper brought up the rear, sniffing at the scattered rose petals along the way.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ode to Ol' Harry

Harry’s a dog that lives on my street
He’s probably got fleas and smells a little like feet.
He’s a basset hound that’s impossibly droopy
His fur is quite matted and eyes are all goopy.

Every day it seems he melts further into the ground
I don’t know if it’s the heat or the breed of this hound.
When I pat his head, his bleary eyes look up
Despite his elderly state, he’s an adorable pup.

He lies on the sidewalk, folds of skin and ears
I swear he’s been there for over a hundred years.
He brightens my day every time I walk by
I’ll plug my nose and always say hi.